
Amistat + Alivan Blu


Twin broth­ers Josef and Jan Prasil were born in Ger­many and raised in Italy. With par­ents orig­i­nat­ing from Czech Repub­lic and Aus­tralia, they even­tu­al­ly moved to Aus­tralia to fur­ther pro­pel their music career. The duo relo­cat­ed back to Europe in 2019.

Find­ing them­selves in the sound­scape of a mod­ern Simon and Gar­funkel with influ­ences from the likes of Ben Howard, Kings of Con­ve­nience and Koda­line, Ami­s­tat are def­i­nite­ly best enjoyed live. A safe place to be, to feel, to heal and to inspire. Their vocal har­monies cre­ate an unique syn­er­gy which stems from their con­trast­ing per­son­al­i­ties and musi­cal styles blend­ing togeth­er. Their authen­tic lyrics speak of what they have learned to be true in life and love, shar­ing their sto­ries and songs about these lessons most of which they wrote while on the road.

Born with the close­ness and under­stand­ing that only twins could share, Josef and Jan pro­duce a unique syn­er­gy through the use of tight knit har­monies, shaped by an hon­est, sto­ry­telling vocal tone. Ami­s­tat is able to com­mu­ni­cate their inspi­ra­tions, drawn from a life on the road, infus­ing their sen­ti­ments, hopes and ambi­tions to devel­op a unique and hon­est mes­sage to their audiences.

Since 2012, Ami­s­tat have released four EP’s, It’s Not Words’, Some­where Some­time’, Nos­tal­gia’, Love and Light’ and their debut album Par­ley’ which saw them embark on a num­ber of Aus­tralian and Euro­pean tours includ­ing per­for­mances at some of Aus­trali­a’s finest Fes­ti­vals such as Wood­ford Folk Fes­ti­val, Nation­al Folk Fes­ti­val, Fair­bridge and Nan­nup. The duo fur­ther won the Mar­ton Gui­tar Emerg­ing Artist of the Year 2018 Award at the Port Fairy Folk Fes­ti­val 2018.

Fol­low­ing a two month tour with Aus­tralian band Sons of the East” in 2019, play­ing 49 shows in 15 coun­tries, Ami­s­tat fol­lowed up with their own head­line tour through Europe and the UK in autumn 2019 before head­ing to their sec­ond home Aus­tralia for a nation­al tour start of 2020.

Cel­e­brat­ing the release of their lat­est EP ´Still Alive´ the twin broth­ers have just kicked off their Euro­pean Tour along with the release of their new Sin­gle ´ready now´.

Kasárna Karlín Mapa Sál Garáže