Do you know about the tiger that guards the tent and the entrance to Kasár­na? The work enti­tled Rel­a­tive Safe­ty was cre­at­ed in 2017 by Jose­fí­na Jonášová. She was inspired by Rud­yard Kipling, William Blake, William Saroy­an, but also by her time in Kenya. You know, the tran­si­tion from day to night, the tired body, the dark­ness, the imagery, the savan­nah… Who’s out­side and who’s inside? Oooooh, breath­less,” writes Josefína.

Tyger tyger burn­ing bright, In the forests of the night: what immor­tal hand or eye, dare frame thy fear­ful sym­me­try?” – William Blake

The work Rel­a­tive Safe­ty has been at Kasár­na Kar­lín since 2019, replac­ing an ear­li­er work enti­tled Xmas Vis­i­tor by the same artist. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Xmas Vis­i­tor did not sur­vive one night of inclement weather.

lam­i­nate, con­crete, led light